A bend in the Road by Nicholas Sparks
This is another recommendation of book. I do not know if it bores others but I seriously love to read so much. My main speaking language is Mandarin; ironically, I do not like to read Chinese books. Despite reading so many English books (reasonably high?), writing all my entries of my blog in proper English and typing proper English on MSN, my English is still so weak. =(
Let me get back to the main topic. I quite like this story because some of the descriptions allowed me to imagine the surrounding and the scenes clearly. There was a part about an accident and there was a description about the victim and trust me, I could imagine it and thought to myself “oh my...this is...scary” Actually, I do not know if I am right to say that the whole book is about the accident (on finding out the murderer). The narrator told his life story and this secret (the accident). He was indirectly the murderer of the victim and his sister and the victim’s husband were later in loved. This is very complicated, right? When I read this part which is the later part of the book, I was so shocked to find out because his sister was already together with the victim’s husband. But, anyway, like most endings, they got together which initially I thought they would not because of the hatred in the victim’s husband. He did not know how to face her.
Someone says “please give me some strength for me to be always strong and independent and not pretentious”
The other person says “please tell me that life is going to get better and lead like a normal person should”
Another person says “please tell me that even when the sky falls, I am not going to fall”
That person says “please tell me that I could enjoy life like what others could”
This person says “please tell me that everything could end at this very second and start a new chapter”
Somebody says “please tell me that there is at least two consecutive days where no unhappiness is on the mind”
It says “please tell me that all these could happen for at least one week.”
Someone asks “Am I asking for too much?”