DBIT Bonding Day video CUM thoughts
video clip is part of our skit which will be credited to Christopher from DBIT 1A/21. = ) Enjoy! : D
Actually, I am quite glad that I did not really have a weird accent in my presentation – perhaps, I might be the only one who thinks so but I am still trying very hard to work on my pronunciation – and did not behave like I was nervous. = D
Let me do a short introduction of this skit, ok? = )
My FYP group members and I are known as “Fast4Ward” and we were selected to promote our specialization to the current Year 1 students of Business Info-Technology. So, this is the reason why we were there for.
I realised that wariness between human being can be so scary. Because you are not me and have not been through what I been through, so you might never understand why I dread and fear of competition. If you happen to think that I am your competitor, please shake that idea of yours off and I will gracefully let you win. I just want some peacefulness. No arguments. No competition.
Because I have been myself for more than 19 years, so I guess I know myself better than anyone else does. What I want to say is; I know that sometimes I do speak without any sensibility which I am trying hard to change too. I am also trying hard to learn not to be so sensitive and not take others’ words too hard which I strongly believe that I have improved a lot compared to the past. I am only human, not an angel, not a God, therefore, I can never be perfect. I can only try this hard and the rest is up to you to accept me for what I am and give me more time.
Because you are not me, you will never know how hard I am trying.
Because you are not me, you will never know how determined I am to change myself to be a better person.
Because you are not me, you will never know how little confident I have of myself.
And now, you know.
If to live is so hard, why are we still trying so hard to live?