Bad dreams
I had bad dreams last night. This time round, I dreamt of people who hurt me and whom I hope not to see for the rest of my life. I thought that I was doing fine but it is just an illusion.
A while ago, a colleague said that she wants to introduce me to one of her male friends.
Recently, my colleagues would try to matchmake to their friends or anyone they know.
I came out with some reasons for their doings.
1. I look like I am ready for marriage.
2. I look like I am desperate to get a boyfriend.
3. I am good enough to be their friends’ girlfriend.
4. I still look very sad.
5. I look lonely
6. (Can’t think of any other reason)
Haha. Nevertheless, I think that it is fun to do so. No harm making more friends, right? At the moment, I am not looking for one due to many reasons like no much free time and not having much faith in guys (Hahaha. Sorry to all guys who read this).