Attitude and learning experiencesThrough all the jobs which I have done in these two odd years, I have come to realise a number of things. I used to think that the higher the pay, the more motivated I would be at work to work hard and give my best. It is NOT true at all UNLESS you are so money-minded that the dollar sign keeps popping in your mind. Having the right attitude will keep you going.
I always believe that everyone is a perfectionist in their own ways. Who does not want to be good in one way and another? I would classify myself as a “flexible perfectionist” because I
usually can accept any ideas even if I really think that my ideas are better. Everyone has different perspective in looking at the same thing so no point wasting time getting angry and pissed off with one another. I really dislike having arguments so; usually I would raise my white flag to surrender i.e. let you have your way. Call me a coward or whatever you want to. Ha ha
Today, I experienced my many first time.
First time to… work at an office, have my own desk at work, wear my new high heel shoes (hope that I will not run and jump with it unnecessarily because I did today = p), bring my new bag, visit the pantry to take drinks, do administrative related work and call the customers to ask for information (I really felt so uncomfortable when I made my first few calls). COOL
They did not have enough time to make preparation to arrange some work for me so I was so bored till about 11 a.m. when I finally had something to do.
Because I saw my neighbours using MSN so I learned from them too. =D I read a friend’s blog (because I am trying to finish all the previous entries), scribbled my unhappiness on a piece of paper and drew my favourite sea view.
I think my colleagues were quite nice and friendly and some were quite humorous too.
I was supposed to be working under the Marketing Department. However, that manager wants to go for further studies for four months so I am yet again placed under another (the third one) department which is customer care department. When I heard that, I was cursing under my breathe–obviously, not saying out anything.
He came back in the late afternoon to do some administrative work. I nearly forgot who he is. He was still as friendly and smiley as before – he has a nice smile. Be glad that he is going away, or else I might be peeping at him and smiling at him all the time – Please, do you really think I will do it? Ha ha.
All in all, I learned relatively much today.
At 6.30 p.m., I walked very fast to catch the next train because I have another job at night at a tuition centre. While walking, I thought it is true that time is money because I am being paid hourly so even half an hour is crucial to me! Thank God, I managed to reach there at 7p.m.
Today was my third day there and as always, my time is always well spent because at every minute, you will definitely be working on something.
I really love kids more and more! GOSH! They are so cute that I felt like pinching some of their cheeks! =D
Some of the kids there really motivated me to mark faster and have patience in coaching them in their work – because their work is quite easy for my level so it is really much harder to teach. When I was younger, I had a few tuitions before but I spent most of my time staring into space so how could this not motivate me to do my job well when most of the kids are doing their work?
Let me tell you about the three kids which left the most impression in me.
Like what one of the managers said, it takes a lot for a primary six boy to cry (For your information, I often cried when PSLE was approaching. It was really my fault because I hardly did my revision and paid attention in class so I had a hard time catching up.). You know, it kind of pained me to see him cry and struggle to figure out how to do. This is what happened. He received his latest work and got most questions wrong. I had that kind of experience before so I clearly know how it feels like. You would feel so lost, so alone and so helpless. I actually went over to ask him in concern. I thought he was tired so his eyes were in red until they mentioned it. Later, another manager asked him to stop work and my friend too.
The next two kids are sisters. Their work is quite tough so most people would not want to mark those. To me, it is just making sure that their answers are the same as from the answer booklet so it is not tough but really quite tedious so I volunteered to do those. The main point is they really impressed me because a lot of their answers were wrong but they never gave up. They had to do corrections for some of the questions more than twice which made me feel sorry for giving them back. So, I really, really felt like drawing a circle as an indication that it is right.
I will try to learn to be firm with kids because I will talk to them in a more gentle tone even if they made me repeat a number of times to ask them to sit down and do their work. I am really hopeless.
Lastly, I learn that it is not easy to be a teacher. I think I was one of the insensible students who keep asking my teachers to mark faster. It is really not easy to mark many papers at one go. From this job, I learn to be a better teacher too. Who knows? I might be one in the near future. =D And, I am really amazed as to why some people can laugh when I said I wanted to be a teacher. Ha ha
I do not know how long more I can tolerate with having two jobs at one go but anyway, Chu Er, press on! =D love, love. Ha ha
This is what I wore to work today. The pictures are not clear. But, it is really tough to take photo without any support.