Shopping at Haji Lane + Hui Fen's 21st
The whole of yesterday was filled with fun and using the word “fun” does not bring justice to describe my day. Well, very fun!
The day before, I was chatting with Alex and he asked about my plan for Saturday. Upon knowing, he wanted to join my sis and I for shopping because he had not gone out for a very long time. We were fine with it because all of us know each other. =D
So, we met up at 12 p.m. at the bus stop of Bugis street. It was one of the best timing to shop there because we did not need squeeze with people! Shopping over there was a breeze. =D Ah. My sis and I bought a t-shirt each from there. Then, we bought some food and drink and walked to Haji Lane – our main shopping area of the day!
I simply loved the paintings on the buildings so I suggested taking some photos by taking the lead. He he.

The nice paintings!

Drama Chu Er =D

I was trying to be funny by pretending to have diffculty pushing the door while sis taking a nice pose. = p

MORE dramaaa! Ha
Many designer clothes are sold over there so it may be a little costly to shop over there but you are still able to get good deals. I will post my buys on the first day of Chinese New Year because I insist that I wear new clothes and shoes for this Chinese New Year. Do not ask me why because I just want so. = /

This is one of the designers' clothes. Quite cute, right? I mean the top. = p

Our group photo. A precious one because Alex actually did not allow me to post any pictures which shows his face but lovable Chu Er managed to persuade him. = D

Goodbye Haji Lane. LOL.
I did not know the back of my hair looks nice. = xAfter which, I went to meet up with Sebestian and Zhan Hui (the ex-ex-ex Vice-president of mentoring club) – Yes, they graduated for two years already – to attend Hui Fen’s 21st birthday party. The whole MRT trip was filled with laughter and I got to know more gossips. HOHOHO. They
should feel younger with me around. = p
Seriously, it is right that all the men should go for NS training. Know why? People like Cedrick and Adrian slimmed down hell lot. No more belly! Amazing!
Yep. After that, Cedrick came to look for us at Mac and then we went to look for Shu Hui, Adrian and He Lang at E-hub.
The journey to Downtown East Chalet was filled with even more laughter and fun. I think no one believes that I am under-weight but I really am. So, some of them kept teasing me about it. They also teased me about something else which made me so shy. =/
Oh. For the whole night, I kept eating because I just felt like eating. =x We played games and drank alcohol. = D The blueberry cheesecake was so nice!
I really miss the mentoring seniors a lot. There is hardly a single moment where I would feel being a boring person or even feel left out when I am with them. I really hope to meet such fun and nice people when I go to university. = /