Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Age-Friendly course
Recently, I just attended an age-friendly course which was pioneered and conducted by the hospital I work for.
I personally feel that it was a very useful course in allowing us understand the difficulties which the elderly undergo and frustrations which the elderly experience. This was mainly done through the sharing session and hands on. Hands on such as wearing the partially masked goggles and ear plugs and using the walking frames. With these equipments, we were only able to see the colors (not all) but not the words clearly and could barely hear anything. Not only that, "patients" on the wheelchair or with walking frames face their respective challenges too.
For me, I posed as a patient using a walking frame. Despite my good health, I thought that the walking frame seemed to get heavier by each distance which deterred me from walking fast. As such, my "caregiver" had to stop every now and then so that I could catch up with her. People who know me personally would know that my usual walking speed is so fast that most people could not catch up with me easily.
From this course, I understood why elderly suffer from low self esteem and get irritated easily. As a part of the younger generation, we should play our part in giving way to them (the least we could do) instead of toggling with our handphone (the current state) and ignoring their presence which might impose more risk on them than necessary.
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8/21/2013 09:25:00 PM