Rules of palm
1. Don't be too hard on myself
2. It is okay to cry
3. Ignore unconstructive & negative remarks
4. Don't expect much from ANYONE
5. Be mentally strong
For so many times, I just want to stick to one thing - either a full time worker OR student (opportunity cost = no money for my school fees but more time for revision. Ha). If you are a full time student, you can simply enjoy your holidays when you finish your exams. Of course, some will be working but other than that you would be enjoying your days when you need not work. For us (people who go through what I go through), when you finish your exams, it would mean going back to work
immediately (because your employers would expect you to take as little leave as possible) with a different level of stress - NO break at all. I am still skeptical about handling everything. Oh well....
Dear friends, no words can describe how thankful I am to have you guys to simply be there listening to my complaints and encouraging me to keep going!
If the people whom you wish could return to your life suddenly appear in your life again, would you accept their return? If yes, think again.