Fabulous Friday!
It had been a busy yet great day because I had about four interviews today. The more interviews I have, the happier I am because it means that my time will pass by much faster. And also, my manager will have lesser time to stress me to source for more candidates for the assignments. =p
The freelance IT assistant that my company hired to solve our hardware and software issues came today. GOSH. Before that, my boss kept promoting him to me. She said that he is a very nice guy, only 25 years old and already gotten his degree.
Laugh out loud. When he came, my boss AND manager tried to introduce me to him that I wanted to go into hiding. I felt so shy. No, in fact, both of us felt so shy. Maybe I felt shyer than he. In the end, both he and I did not manage to talk to each other. I cannot deny that he looks like a nice guy. No harm knowing a new friend, eh? Well, we were too shy to talk to each other. Perhaps, he did not want to know me since I am so loud in my company. =/ It was my third time seeing him.
At 4.30pm, I knocked off from work because my manager and I needed to set off to deliver mooncakes to her client. ^^ However, unsurprisingly, we only left at 4.45pm because my manager always has too much unfinished work to do. *shrug*
I finally met up with those clients whom I always hear over the phone or even see their names when my candidates’ resumes are sent to them. I was even more excited to meet the VP of HR because his voice is very soothing over the phone. Anyway, to my disappointment, he was not the hunk I always imagined but an uncle (but more handsome and younger than my dad. =p) My manager embarrassed me (again) by telling him that I am always excited when I hear his voice. ROAR. How many times must she embarrass me today? =/ We were on the 40th floor (not the highest floor though) of the building and that VP showed us the good view of the F1 track. Actually, I did not feel that comfortable seeing or knowing anything to do with F1 because it reminded me of something which I try very hard not to recall. Sigh. Well…
Anyway, all the deliveries were done slightly before 6pm so I was able to head down to my tutee’s house much earlier. It also means that I could leave her house earlier. =D Yea. I left there at least 20minutes than usual. ^^
Although I still feel the emptiness and sadness in me, I did not feel like crying for the whole of today. This is a good way to end the last working day of the week, isn’t it? ^^

I will be happier if I am being missed for a tiny winy bit, really.