Running for my dear life
Once every few months, I would have such a nightmare that requires me to run for my life in my dream.
This time round, I remember that I was running for my life with a guy. I was so frightened that people who were chasing after us would catch up with us. The great thing is, whether I am running alone or with others, the chaser(s) has never caught up with me.
I did some research and realise that the dream shows that I am running away from somebody/something who/which is hurting me in my waking life. I am avoiding it at all cause. I am being advised to confront the chaser(s) when I see him/her/them again so that I will know what I am running away from.
I guess I never enjoy being chased by someone/something because it is scary to me. It has never been a pleasant dream to me. =(
Another nightmare that I sometimes have is to be fallen from a height with fear. It would feel very real. It indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself.
I guess so too. Sigh.